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J.Riddle 3:18 Sun Feb 11
Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
They are conducting UK trials in Finchley and Jarrow where they pay £1600.00 per month to see how it effects people's mental health and see if they bother to work. It has been reported that the real rate if to come into effect would be £2,000 per month.

Benefits have already increased over the last decades encouraging and paying people not to work effectively.Those employed have to earn £70,000 gross salary (£48,575 take home pay) to get the same as a family on benefits. We can see this is a deliberate policy.

There will be a tax on the AI/Robots that will take people's jobs to pay for the UBI.

Eventually there will be no jobs for humans except the elite who will own all the AI Robot operated corporations and will control. Everyone shall get what their given and be grateful. Complain and you will get your benefits taken away like Communist China and your family will starve.
Is this the start of Communism as everyone will get the same income benefits?

Would be interesting to know what people think about this massive change in society coming soon and which we can do nothing about apparently.

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J.Riddle 1:57 Wed Feb 14
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
The cost is - no ownership of assets
So your mortgage gets paid off and you have £2k a month free money - yay!
However you don’t own your house and when the government deems it too big for you they will move you to a different cell and move others in.

You are probably right here as you won't get a mortgage on benefits. If your mortgage is paid off some still would have enough equity left to buy another home/asset.

Agreed it won't work in poor countries as the tax to fund it will come from the AI replacing those humans who lost their well paid jobs, but there are very few well paid jor low paid jobs worth implementing AI. They don't have the infostructure of westernised countries to make it work currently on a wide scale.

PwoperNaughtyButNot 11:10 Tue Feb 13
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Because Mike , they don’t have any assets to hand over in return for debt forgiveness.

They are also used to being poor

The huge collapse of economy and serious reduction in jobs that is on the way will create mass restlessness in the developed world. Free money in return for assets will appease the majority.

Mike Oxsaw 7:00 Tue Feb 13
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Why don't the powers that be roll this sort of thing out first in the most deprived countries, as a sort of global levelling-up process?

Payment in a crypto-currency that can only, in turn, be used at certain shops/stores on certain items (to try and control any potential corruption/extortion).

That would encourage/expand (certain sectors of) the country's economy and will allow some of the most deprived to consider/start productive activities.

All that's really needed is nationwide internet access (which is fast approaching, globally); the actual operations & management of such a process can be done "in the cloud".

Darlo Debs 5:52 Tue Feb 13
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
According to.the 2021 census, unpaid carers in.the UK are worth £162 bn to.the UK economy....with about 5m people in.the country taking on the role of unpaid carer.


Darlo Debs 5:41 Tue Feb 13
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Has this been tried in other countries?
What is the data in those countries telling us about the success of this?

I am.open minded about this if its shown it can work and is actually an incentive to.work, which it could well be. One of the issues no is while people will.work on benefits is that they are still stuck.when taking on extra because they'll.lose money and help with other benefits too.

Also what many of you are overlooking here is the amount of unpaid carers we have. Attendance allowance isn't that much compared to how much a person would lose in pay if they had to go part time, or full.time time to look after a loved one. We are facing a dementia time bomb, it's already Britain's biggest killer. So if we offset the amount paid to.people in universal.income as opposed to what is saved in the cost of care for thousands of people that figure could be significantly different..

Alfs 5:29 Tue Feb 13
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
I'd be delighted to get 2k per month for doing sweet fa, but I'd still work. I'd be bored shitless otherwise.

Side of Ham 5:53 Mon Feb 12
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Is this the beginning of the Morlocks trying to turn us into Eloi’s?

RBshorty 3:45 Mon Feb 12
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
It's an election year both here and the State.

What wins more votes.?

We give you free money.
Gets off your fat lazy arse. And earn a living.!

I wonder why the powers that be are talking this up.

Mike Oxsaw 3:27 Mon Feb 12
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
dealcanvey 12:03 Mon Feb 12

..."There is so much money in this world."...

Isn't that a lot of it debt though, not real wealth, and if that was all paid back, many economies (rich fuckers) would simply vanish?

dealcanvey 12:03 Mon Feb 12
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
See the likes of Musk talking about this being the future.


I thought too many people on benefits were the problem. Now it’s the awnser?

There is so much money in this world. As long as the elite have the lions share is all that matters.

Mike Oxsaw 10:15 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
It'll be fine for the anticipated/expected demograph of the developed nations.

No need to educate people beyond potty training and tying their own shoe laces, so a fortune saved on pointless education.

Standardised living accommodation that can be mass-produced as a flat-pack in the third world for - and probably from - peanuts.

Everything delivered to your home by drone/robotic transport, so no need to keep the roads & railways in good condition.

Probably many more "benefits" - all sport being done on computer with CGI & avatars so good nobody could tell they're not real people...

Westside 10:04 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
"Here is the link, they refer to London.


Behind a paywall.

nychammer 8:47 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Willtell. Yes agree, once you remove career advancement AND the financial rewards that go with it nobody would ever put their hand up for more stress and responsibility. I don’t think it ends well.

J.Riddle 8:16 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Westside 12:56 Sun Feb 11

Here is the link, they refer to London.


Mike Oxsaw 4:30 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Much of the £2,000 per month will be covered by removing the £12,000 per year personal tax allowance, so still the same number of pounds in a working-man's pocket.

The rest will come from simply re-labelling & rebranding current benefits and allowances and laying off thousands and thousands of civil servants.

Kaiser Zoso 4:11 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
I don’t suppose this will have any impact on net migration,, fortunately

Willtell 3:01 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
A few years ago the wife and I went to Vietnam. Looking around a Hanoi museum the guide was asked about communism and private enterprise being encouraged in Vietnam.

The tour guide explained that the government gave everyone a similar monthly salary for whatever job they did. Unfortunately, she explained, this resulted in everyone becoming lazy and stopping doing their jobs and students not bothering to become doctors, scientists or get other skills.

Basically nearly all human beings are lazy bastards when they can get away with it…

zico 2:43 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Would just about cover my home insurance renewal price this year!! Wish they would just concentrate on the shit that needs fixing.

RBshorty 2:01 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
It’s would never catch on. Because along with all the problems already mentioned. The powers that be in this country have always been cheap.!

RootsRadical 1:41 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
Work is good for you.

Most people will get bored and spend money that they don't have to alleviate the boredom.
This will increase mental illness not help it.

BRANDED 1:38 Sun Feb 11
Re: Universal Basic Income £2,000 for EVERYONE no means testing.
What is the incentive to work if you don't have to?

Independence and freedom probably.

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